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Form 1

Study Guide For Form 1

Form 1 is a tough year that you have to go through because you are having a total change in everything. Most schools have custom examination papers for their Form 1 students.(most commonly the papers are harder)(For example , some schools have changed the syllabus from objective to subjective or include higher level questions like "fill in the blank" or essay writing in their paper ) They want you to master a strong basic in every subjects you have taken. So for Form 1 , it is quite suitable to say that you have to determine the most suitable way for you to study and to develop your interest with those subjects. Remember you must enjoy while you are studying .That is how it makes studying effective.

 Brian Brushwood has posted a video under his channel in Youtube teaching and showing us how we can become memory genius using this simple trick. Click on the play button below to view his video .

For those who did not watch the video , here is what he showed us in his video:
The human memory typically can only hold 7 things at once, but Eric Dittelman ( Brian's friend ) has a trick to memorize a long list instantly. Eric asked his friends sitting around him to suggest a single item for each number from 1 to 20. ( For eg. Blue Rotten Apple With Green Worm for Number 3 ) Those items suggested were completely random and some of Eric's friends even try to make the items seem as complicated as possible. Eric was given just a few seconds for him to memorise the items and the numbers . He had been tested later on. Surprisingly, he answered almost all correct when his friends tested him one by one and asking him with a randomly arranged number . ( For eg. What was the Eleventh item we have stated just now and Eric will answer correctly ) .

Eric taught us his trick after showing his trick had been working successfully. He used his imaginative skill to help him to memorise the number and the item stated. Here is an example for  Blue Rotten Apple With Green Worm for Number 3 . He imagined that there was a blue rotten apple with 3 Green Worm coming out from the apple . Try to make the scene as memorable as possible. You can even animate the scene to help you remember it . ( For eg. imagine the worms moving inside the apple ) ( this might be disgusting but it will make you remember it ) .

From the trick showed , we can apply the same principle in our study too ! When studying boring subjects, you can try to imagine the scene and try to make them into a memorable story. When you successfully found a way that suits yourself the most , it is pretty sure that you can almost excel every exams in Form 1.

Click here to continue.(Notes and practices for Form 1)